What Are DML Statements In Salesforce?

In Salesforce, DML (an abbreviated version of Data Manipulation Language) enables developers to manipulate data through the use of DML statements. Although it’s great knowing Apex & Triggers, we still need a way to modify our data once we meet certain logic criteria. This is why it’s a crucial tool to use in day-to-day Apex […]

In Salesforce, DML (an abbreviated version of Data Manipulation Language) enables developers to manipulate data through the use of DML statements. Although it’s great knowing Apex & Triggers, we still need a way to modify our data once we meet certain logic criteria. This is why it’s a crucial tool to use in day-to-day Apex development as without this (or Database Methods), you won’t be able to change your data.

Side note: All operations that can be performed with DML, can be achieved with database methods; although there are a few advantages to Database Methods. We’ll look into Database Methods in the next post!

There are 6 different DML statements in total that can be utilised to modify data in Salesforce.

  • Insert

    • This allows you to insert a new record into the database

  • Update

    • This allows you to update an already existing record inside the database

  • Upsert

    • This allows you to either update an existing record, or if no record matches the provided record ID, insert a new record.

  • Delete

    • This allows you to delete an existing record in the database

  • Undelete

    • This allows you to remove a record from the recycle bin and back into the database

  • Merge

    • This allows you to combine 2 existing records together to make just 1 record

3 Examples Of DML Statements In Apex

Insert Statement

Account insertAccount = new Account(name = 'Google');
try {
	insert insertAccount ;
} catch (DmlException e) {
	// Error handling

Update Statement

Account insertAccount = new Account(Name='Costco');
insert(insertAccount );

Account updateAccount = [SELECT Id, Name, BillingCity FROM Account WHERE Id = :insertAccount.Id];
updateAccount.BillingCity = 'San Francisco'; 

try {
    update updateAccount ;
} catch (DmlException e) {
    // Error Handling

Merge Statement

List<Account> accountList = new List<Account> {new Account(name='Facebook'),new Account(name='Meta')};
insert accountList ;

Account primaryAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Meta.' LIMIT 1];
Account mergeAccount= [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Facebook' LIMIT 1];

try {
    merge primaryAccount mergeAcct;
} catch (DmlException e) {
    // Error handling

More Information

View the DML guide on TrailHead

View the documentation on DML

Cameron Ofoluwa

Cameron Ofoluwa

22 Year Old Salesforce Developer @ Pogust Goodhead & Founder of SFDXHours.

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